How the AAPI Community Is Coping with Continued Anti-Asian Bias and Attacks
By Christine Macahilig
May 2022
July 28, 2020
Protect Ya Peace. Hear to Slay podcast
This year has taken a toll not just on our bodies, but our mental and emotional health as well. As we seek to find balance, rest, and even joy through it all, Tressie and Roxane talk to Erica Woodland, founder of the National Queer and Trans therapists of Color Network about transforming mental health through a justice-oriented lens. Later in the show, journalist Sojourner Ahebee talks to several clinical practitioners and researchers about the cumulative effects of stress and racism on black bodies.
March 30, 2020
Cultural Humility Podcast: COVID-19 and Asian Communities: Where Racism and Bigotry Are Also a Health Hazard
Join me as Dr. Doris Chang and I discuss the racial impact the coronavirus has had on Chinese and other Asian communities in the United States. Dr. Chang discusses her own personal reflections, while offering professional insights on how to understand the racialization of COVID-19 and the cascading effects in Asian communities. Dr. Chang also offers thoughts about what we can, and should, do towards the elimination of hate and bigotry, while providing suggestions on how Asian communities can cope during this unprecedented time.